I finally managed to produce the kit I wanted for so long. Very efficient and very light and perfectly PLUG AND PLAY.
I first started looking for the radiant element that I usually use on Lancia Delta; I know that they have a very good performance; then I thought to make good end details.
The radiant element that I wanted to use has air passages very large, about 8-10mm thick (the other radiant element in the market have air passages ranging from 6 to 8mm), to have the fewest possible losses in the air passage. Then I checked what was the maximum space available and I did make the Intecooler as big as possilbe, in order to have maximum surface area and maximum volume of radiation possible. Result: a radiant element with size equal to 600x195x62mm.
Defined the intercooler I worked on the pipes. I was tired seeing those steel heavy pipes; so I started looking for aluminum pipes, which besides being much lighter, are capable to dissipate heat much faster because aluminum has a thermal conductivity considerably higher than Steel.
The result is an overall weight of Intercooler and aluminum piping that is a lot lighter than the standard chinese intercooler + steel pipes; So we have 50% less weight with a larger radiator core and a greater efficiency .. What do you want more ??? Always plug & play and very easy to set up!
At the end to complete the work I did silicone hoses with OPC logo.
The OPC kit comes with the aluminum pipe and silicone hoses to have a perfect plug and play kit that sobstitute the original intercoolers.